Sunday, August 15, 2010

A beautiful story

              Long time ago, tere was a big apple tree. A little boy loved to play nearby and played around this apple tree. He climbed to the top of the apple tree, ate apples and fell asleep under its shadow every day. He loved the apple tree and the apple tree also loved him too. The time passed, The little boy grew up. He didn't play around the tree everyday again.

The little boy was very excited. He picked all of the apples from the tree and left happily. After picking all of the apples, he never came back to the apple tree again. The tree became sad.

One day, the little boy came back to the apple tree but he grew up so the tree was excited.

" Do you come to see me and play with me?" , asked the apple tree.

"I have no time to play because I have my own family. I must work for my family. We need a house. Can you help me?"

" I don't have a house to give you but you can cut my branches and make a house. "

Thus, The little boy cut all of its branches and happily he left. Once again, the tree was left alone and sad.

In summer, a day came, the little boy came back to the apple tree. the tree was very happy.

" Do you come to see me and play with me?", asked the tree.

"No. I feel disappointed with my life. I get older than before. I would like to sail far away for recreation. Can you give me a boat? "

" Take my trunk in order to build your boat so that you can sail away." , answered the apple tree.

Thus, the boy cut down the tree for making his boat. Then, he sailed away and no longer came back.

Many years passed, the boy reappeared but this time, he looked very old than the last time.

" I am sorry. I don't have anything left for you. I don't have apples for you to eat or the trunk and branches for you to climb.", said the tree.

"I don't have teeth to eat the apples. I can't climb the tree. I am very old."

" I have nothing to give you but only one thing left if my old roots about to die."

" Now, I don't want anything else. I just want a place for relying on. have been tired for many years."

" The root of an old tree can be the place for you. Come on. Sit by me and sleep well."

This is the story for everyone. The apple tree in this tale is regarded as our parents. When we were young, we loved playing with them. When we grow up, we leave them. We come back to them when we need something or when we have problems. Anyway, our dad and mom will be there and give us everything they can find, hoping we wre happy. you might think that the litte boy in this tale is so mean but it is true that show the truth how we treat them. How about your apple tree?, the little boy....

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